Monday, 29 October 2007

Saturday night and Sunday morning

Off to tea with the neighbours

The neighbours (Kirkwall coven, Education Chapter)

Double rainbow at the Broch of Gurness

The Broch of Gurness (or what remains of it)
Sunday morning felt a need for fresh air and exercise. I got soaked. Wuthering Archaeologists on tour.
It's vile today - so rough on the plane coming back from Stronsay, I had to go to bed when I got in. Hope today wasn't too traumatic for all those of you returning to the chalkface.
Hey! I got a comment from a stranger. I have a readership! (in addition to you kind and supportive friends.)
Hope you appreciate the new minimalism - last one a bit lengthy, methinks.


Doctor Mom said...

I'm assuming that tea was brewed in a cauldron and served with ladies' fingers? Hurray for photos!

ACC said...

What a lovely picture. Our Halloween consisted of self trying to do schoolwork (what else in the evening?) and toddlers dressed up (my favourite was the dead bride, veil 'n all) trick-or-treating at the door for a few cheap sweets! Still , they loved it and I filled quite a few plastic pumpkins with caries! My concession to what is a pagan and superstitious festival was a pair of halloween (small h) earrings from Claire's accessories, so Diana has outdone us all again!

Mrs Martin said...

great costume. great photos.